When the full design capacity is reached in 2029, the following sales volumes are planned: carp -470 tonnes, carp -353 tonnes, Amur - 165 tonnes, silver carp -165 tonnes, trout -470 tonnes, pike-perch -353 tonnes, processed fish -376 tonnes. Fish is sold live, frozen and chilled. The structure of sales is as follows: domestic market - 50%; export - Russia (20%), China (30%).
The project will create a new fishery for the breeding, farming and processing of fish products on 155 hectares of land in the East Kazakhstan region.
The initiator of the project is the Akimat of the East Kazakhstan region. The initiator has a land plot of 155 hectares.
The infrastructure of water and power supply is connected to the land plot.
- In 2022, the volume of world imports of live fish reached 2,642 million US dollars, which is 518 million US dollars more than in the previous year. In 2022, the total volume of commercial fish farming in the Republic of Kazakhstan amounted to 13.3 thousand tonnes, which is 82% more than in 2021. By the end of 2022, pike-perch (19%), trout (15%), pike-perch (16%) and carp (14%) will occupy significant shares in the structure of farmed fish in the Republic of Kazakhstan.
- By the end of 2022, imports of live fish in Kazakhstan reached 177 tonnes, which is 14% less than in 2021. The main suppliers of live fish in Kazakhstan were Russia (142 tonnes), Uzbekistan (18 tonnes), China (11 tonnes) and Kyrgyzstan (5 tonnes).
- In 2021, the volume of live fish imports in Russia and Kyrgyzstan amounted to 2.03 thousand tonnes and 107 tonnes respectively. In 2022, the volume of live fish imports in China and Uzbekistan was 29 thousand tonnes and 8 thousand tonnes respectively.
Investment attractiveness of the project:
- The amount of investments is 11 612 mln. tenge.
- NPV -5 116 mln. tenge
- IRR -24.0%
- The payback period of the Project is 7.00 years, the discounted payback period is 10.58 years
What is the attractiveness of the project?
- Advantageous location. The location of production in the Eastern Kazakhstan region provides access to a large market in the north-eastern and northern regions of the country. The region also has a well-developed and extensive road transport and logistics infrastructure linking it to the rest of the country and neighbouring countries.
- Environmentally friendly products. Only organic feed and minerals are used in fish farming. This approach to farming contributes to the creation of environmentally safe and sustainable products that meet modern market demands.
- The presence of a large number of rivers, lakes and reservoirs.
investment proposal
The project requires financing in the amount of 11 612 mln. tenge, of which
-70% (8 128 mln. tenge) - debt financing (if collateral is provided)
-30% (3 484 mln. tenge) - participation of the initiator.
The proposed financing structure and state support measures are indicative, the final structure of financing and participation in the project will be determined on the basis of the results of joint negotiations with the investor.