Construction of the RIDDER tourist and recreational center

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When it reaches full design capacity, it is planned to serve annually:

Winter season: skiers -398 thousand people, hikers -161 thousand people, additional services -145 thousand people. 

Summer season: hikers -321 thousand people, additional services - 185 thousand people. 

  • Total: 880 thousand people per year with the prospect of growth


The investment project (hereinafter referred to as the "Project") envisages the construction of the International Tourist and Recreation Centre "RIDDER", for which it is planned to allocate 50 hectares of land on a long-term lease basis. The Project provides for the construction of 12.7 km of ski trails with a capacity of approximately 7,800 people per day, a hotel for 150 people, ski equipment (cable cars, lifts, snow-making equipment, etc.), and summer recreation facilities.


The project was initiated by the Akimat of the East Kazakhstan region.

Investment proposal

The project requires financing in the amount of 37 079 mln. tenge, subject to the following conditions: 

Granting a foreign investor a stake in the project in the amount of 80%; 

  • The organisation by the investor of 100% financing of the project at a rate of 0%.

Investment attractiveness of the project:

  • Investments -37 079 млн. тенге
  • NPV of the Project -2 417 млн. тенге
  • IRR -15.0% 
  • Payback period -9.77 years

What is the attractiveness of the project?

  • Year-round supply and attractive location. Due to its unique natural features, the East Kazakhstan region has an internal potential for the development of niche tourism. The climate of the region is characterised by sufficient snow in winter and a long ski season, and by a favourable mountain climate in summer, which allows for a variety of winter and summer recreation. 
  • The growth of tourist flows. Kazakhstan is geographically close to countries with high rates of international tourism, which will attract travellers from these countries. As part of the programmes to develop the tourism sector in the East Kazakhstan region, it is planned to increase the flow of tourists and the number of visitors to 2.5 million people by 2025.
  • Growing demand. According to the Bureau of National Statistics of the Agency for Strategic Planning and Reforms of the Republic of Kazakhstan, over the past 5 years Tolebiysky district has shown the most impressive growth rates of tourism in the Turkestan region. The number of visitors has increased 5 times, and a large number of resorts and recreation areas have been built.


  • The number of domestic tourists in the Republic of Kazakhstan is gradually growing: over the past 5 years, the cumulative average annual growth rate has reached 7%. In 2021, the number of domestic tourists will increase by 55% compared to 2020. 
  • In 2021, the number of domestic tourists in the East Kazakhstan region will increase by 8%, facilitated by the opening of borders and the restoration of the tourism industry after the COVID-19 pandemic. The main reason for the development of domestic tourism is the increased level of development of tourist infrastructure, price compatibility with the quality of provided services and safety of recreation.