Construction of a sanatorium and wellness complex in the Markakolsky district

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When it reaches full design capacity in 2027, the hotel will have 146 standard rooms and 10 deluxe rooms, serving up to 40,000 visitors a year. It is planned that the complex will also provide the following services: swimming pool, sauna, spa treatments, restaurant, doctor's appointments, diagnostic tests, medical procedures and medical services. The complex will offer its services to residents and guests of the East Kazakhstan region, as well as tourists from neighbouring countries (Russia, China) and distant countries.


The project provides for the construction of the ORMAN sanatorium complex with rehabilitation departments on a 10-hectare site next to the forest.

The wellness complex, with a capacity of 240 beds, will consist of dormitories, administrative and housekeeping facilities, a medical department, a dining room, an event hall and a swimming pool. There will also be sports grounds for basketball, mini-football, gymnasiums, walking paths and car parking.


The project was initiated by the Akimat of the East Kazakhstan region.


  • In 2022, the volume of the tourism market of the Republic of Kazakhstan amounted to 5 580 mlrd. tenge, with an average annual growth rate of 1.9% for the period 2017-2022. As of 2022, the expenditures of Kazakhstanis on domestic and outbound tourism amounted to 697 620 mln. tenge, of which domestic tourism occupies 65%.
  • In 2022, the locations of the East Kazakhstan resort area served about 282 thousand tourists. In 2017-2022, the average annual revenue growth rate of placements was 72%.

Investment attractiveness of the project: 

The amount of investments is 10 115 mln. tenge

NPV –6 050 mln. tenge

IRR -31.5% 

The payback period of the Project is 5 years

Discounted payback period -7.37 years

What is the attractiveness of the project? 

  • The unique location of the project. The location of the project is attractive for the year-round offer of tourist services, including hotel accommodation and therapeutic and recreational recreation procedures. The amazing surrounding nature has a beneficial effect on the human nervous system and metabolism.
  • Development of tourism in the East Kazakhstan region. The region has a huge tourist potential due to its sacred historical and cultural monuments and attractive geographical location. There are about 162 holy sites and historical monuments in the region under state protection. In 2022, about 210 thousand tourists visited the East Kazakhstan region.

nvestment proposal

The project requires financing in the amount of 10 115 mln. tenge, of which 

75% (7 586 mln. tenge) - investor participation and/or debt financing (if collateral is available); 

25% (2 528 mln. tenge) - funds of the initiator. 

The proposed financing structure and state support measures are indicative, the final structure of financing and participation in the project will be determined based on the results of joint negotiations with the investor.