Construction of small-stage hydroelectric power plants on the rivers of the East Kazakhstan region.

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The project will provide electricity to the East Kazakhstan region with an average annual electricity generation of 795 million kWh. 


The project involves the construction of cascaded hydropower plants (HPPs) with a total installed capacity of up to 201.4 MW on rivers in the East Kazakhstan region: 

Glubokovsky district: Belaya Uba and Ulba rivers; 

Altai region: Hamir River and Sarymsakty River; 

Katon-Karagai district: Belaya River, Chernovaya River, Yazovaya River, Belaya Berel River, Arasan River, Algyzhabulak River. 

Markakol district: Arasan Kaba river, Karakabak river.

Zaisan district: Kendyrlik river, Zhemeney river, Udene river. 

Tarbagatai district: Kandysu river. 

G. Ridder: R. Stanovaya. 

Samar district: Bolshoy Boken river. 

Ulan district: Ablaiketken river.


Akimat of the East Kazakhstan region.


  • Electricity production in the Republic of Kazakhstan is carried out by 207 power plants of various forms of ownership. As of 01.01.2023, the total installed capacity of power plants in the Republic of Kazakhstan was 24,523.7 MW, and the available capacity was 20,761.7 MW. In 2023-2029.
  • The electricity deficit in the Republic of Kazakhstan is projected to be 1.22 billion kWh. By 2029, more than 80% of electric energy (115 billion kWh) will be provided by existing capacities, while about 26 billion kWh will be provided by the construction of new power plants.
  • In 2023, generation will amount to 6.3 billion kWh, useful holiday - 5.9 billion kWh, with a consumption of 7.1 billion kWh. The share of renewable energy generation last year was 4.2% or 241 million kWh.eneration last year was 4.2% or 241 million kWh.

Investment attractiveness of the project: 

  • The amount of investments -29 963 mln. tenge;
  • NPV of the Project -8 399 mln. tenge;
  • IRR–17,5 %;
  • Payback period -8.2 years;
  • The discounted payback period is 14.67 years.

What is the attractiveness of the project? 

  • Environmental safety. The generation of electricity in a hydropower plant significantly reduces the amount of harmful emissions into the environment, with minimal water consumption, and the used water is returned to the river through the flow part of the turbines (or is used to generate electricity in the downstream hydropower plant of the cascade).
  • Reliability of the raw material base: the raw material for electricity generation is the water run-off from mountain rivers. Precipitation levels in the river basin are relatively stable and the risk of reduced river flows is considered minimal.
  • Government support. The renewable energy ("RES") sector is actively supported by the government. To date, companies in the RES sector are exempt from paying for electricity transmission services, are provided with predictable and long-term tariffs, and are guaranteed purchase of all electricity produced.

Investment proposal

The project requires financing in the amount of 29 963 mln. tenge, of which

up to 51% (21 114 mln. tenge) - investor participation; 

up to 49% (9 047 mln. tenge) - budget financing. 

The proposed financing structure and state support measures are indicative, the final structure of financing and participation in the project will be determined on the basis of the results of joint negotiations with the investor.