Введён в эксплуатацию
Development of an aquaculture complex for the production of black caviar and commercial sturgeon, creating 31 new jobs.
Location of the Project:
East Kazakhstan region
Akimat of the East Kazakhstan region
Marketable products and capacities:
- Smoked fish - 3 tons
- Fresh frozen fish -6.7 tons
- Food caviar -10 tons
Domestic market: caviar 2 tonnes and smoked fish 3 tonnes; exports: frozen fish 6.7 tonnes (in Russia) and caviar 8 tonnes (China, UAE, USA, Japan, EU).
The production process:
Cultivation and feeding in a recirculating system (ULV) (collection of larvae, rearing of juveniles, growth to mature producer, hibernation). Preparation of marketable products (selection, pasteurisation, addition of preservatives)
Prerequisites for the implementation of the Project
- Reviving the population of rare species. The company's activities are aimed at solving the environmental problem of extinction and reviving the sturgeon population in the region by introducing lean production.
- Growing demand for fish. According to OECD and UN FAO forecasts, global fish consumption is set to increase. The compound annual growth rate (CAGR) for 2019-2025 will be 1.8%. So, if per capita fish consumption was 20.3 kg per person in 2018, it will reach 21.3 kg per person in 2027.
- Import substitution. The volume of sturgeon caviar imports in 2019 amounted to 3.4 tonnes, an increase of 1.5 times compared to 2018, so the possibility of producing high quality products at affordable prices will allow us to occupy a significant niche in the market.